The Ultimate Guide to Hiring
Your Ideal Virtual Assistant

Do you get confused about when to hire a VA? What even is a VA?

👋 <-- (that's you waving to me)

As an Executive VA (Virtual Assistant) I am here to help you clear those questions!

Our guide is LOADED with intentional information to ease the anxiety or frustration of the who, what, and when.

The End Goal

  • Learn the criteria of when and what kind of Virtual Assistant to hire in each stage of your business.

  • A workbook focused on alignment, compatibility and collaboration.

  • 4 different types of VAs, Where to search (globally and locally).

  • A 5-step process scorecard, and an overall VA checklist.

  • 31 interview questions to improve your overall search for the right virtual assistant. 

This guide is only available for free for a limited time. Get your copy today!