Clubhouse beginnings

This blog post was originally written on May 28. 2019. Even though we are currently (nearly) two years from the original posting I wanted to share this with the world, for clubhouse, and the following people have impacted and brought me to where I am today. Much love <3

For those who do not know. clubhouse is an invite-only app where people can tune into different rooms of speakers. I like to call this the live podcast where you can also possibly ask questions. A few friends had mentioned clubhouse when it first started. In all honesty, they did not make it sound appealing. Months later I was chatting with my friend and she told me how beneficial it was to her. She had joined groups and rooms that talked about women in business and women in the fashion industry. Now, this had me invested. People share their tips and tricks on “how to make it” or “how not make the same mistakes” in their industry.

Little did I know when I first started using clubhouse that I would be using it for spiritual purposes. I will take about that a little later. Women Negotiating in the Workplace was one of the first rooms I first joined. One of the mods/speakers Alexandra Carter (IG @alexandrabcarter) talked about how women can stand up for themselves in requesting the amount of money and the promotion that they do deserve to have. Some women from the audience would raise their emoji hand to speak and ask their questions. By the end of the chat, it was all about knowing your worth!

After that chat, I felt inspired to take over my own world. It wasn’t until a breakup that I really dived deep into clubhouse. And in all honesty, I can’t tell you how I ended up in this next room though, I am very glad that I did for it has changed my life. The Universal Peace Sanctuary room is where I learned about a whole lot of things. Number 1. The group is to raise awareness for the development and building in Nepal of a place where all walks and areas of life bring peace and sanctuary to celebrate Buddha. To be exact from their website:

The Mahasiddha Sanctuary for Universal Peace is under construction on the site adjacent to the Sacred Garden where Lord Buddha was born. The sanctuary will honour the Enlightened Ones who realized the way to peace within and peace without. It will serve as a radiant beacon, helping to inspire and guide individuals, communities, and nations toward harmonious coexistence and reconciliation.

There will be a peace institute, library, meditation rooms, museum and an assembly hall. They are also looking to plant 1,000 Ashoka trees named after King Ashoka who helped establish Buddhism in India. The trees do cost $500 each, yet there is a beautiful smaller amount option (for us less well in cash flow) to donate to this amazing centre. Spare $5 to donate if this resonates with you.

Through this club, I have been introduced to many different people. A lot of them are intuitive healers. Brian the Healer (@brainthehealer) is one of the people who I have been following on clubhouse. To pair with his great intuitive healing abilities he also is a poet, a mindfulness coach, and is very knowledgeable on Kabbala of the Heart. For many rooms/sessions, I would enter listening as Brian would use his beautiful gift of distant healing. Christine and/or Jason would talk more about being a spiritualist/spirit and what it meant to them. As well as tips on how to maintain areas with just in general holding space for others.

As Brian worked on each person who was brought up to the stage a beautiful poet named Vivian would channel the energy of the room or the moment and speak such powerful words to help with the healing process. Sophia with her beautiful voice would sing an ancient Barber song. Her voice is very transcendent and full of healing sounds bound to make you feel calm and at peace. Then we have Peggy Liu who is known as the “Green Goddess of China” as she connects all of the beautiful souls together into one room.

All of these magical souls are who have inspired me to this day. One evening I finally had my chance to get healing work done. I was super excited. After this breakup it took a heavy toll on my heart. Brian started to work on me, and as he started to work on me Vivian read a poem about two people who love each other yet know that their time together has come to an end. The poem had me in many tears for the breakup I just had gone through. Brain explained exactly what was going on with my system.

Everything he said resonated with me. Everything that was done made me feel lighter. I felt a shift of clarity after. The best part (/most funny part) about this healing was when Brian asked me to draw a bath, put 6-8 drops of lavender essential oil, 1/4th of a cup of sea salt and to light a white candle (while thinking of myself s a happy child) over the water. Now I wanted to follow these instructions to a T. I did not have much sea salt other than a small bottle of some I got from the dollar store that has a grinder on it.

As I could not take the grinder off I was sitting on the floor trying to grind out this salt for my bath. It took about two hours before I fully gave up. I reach around 1/3’rd of a cup until I accepted that this was my fate. I took my bath and had such a relaxing time. I felt refreshed, at peace, and ready to sleep with ease. I also was asked to change my sheets to sleep with clean energy. Now I understand that not everyone likes to or believes in what I am talking about.

If this is not for you please feel free to skip it! This post is not about trying to “convert” anyone to anything. It is just me explaining my experience.

This distant healing, it borough a whole new light to my world. In ways, it expedited my healing from the breakup. Or as I like to rephrase as, bring myself to a new awareness of self where I can feel whole again. Yes, I was very torn about the breakup. Even though we were only seeing each other for a few months, he still has held a very deep and intentful place in my heart.

As I continued to follow Brian I would listen in on other groups he would have with other healers as they would express their own perspective on healing, inner child work, and so much more. Never did I imagine this would be the start to something truly beautiful.

Brain has a club called Soulutions where he, Sophia and Amy Sue would talk about many different topics focusing on spirit and self. What I enjoy the most about their talks, is that everyone has a similar baseline to their truth with slight twists on perception. In my understanding, it is to lead with love always. Amy Sue herself does this very well in her day to day. When Amy needs guidance she will say “Spirit where is the love? Help me find the love”. Amy Sue believes that all answers lead to love. You know what, I love that! Full-heartedly speaking, Amy Sue has a very truthful outlook and way of living life. When we act on love, when we give love (without asking for it in return) we can come closer to a moment of peace. A moment of inner truth as we were all born with love in our hearts.

From birth, we came into this world with love. It is only when those who are meant to protect us or those who do not know how to love, taint us. When the projection of internal pain is present. That to me is when the love is gone. When our traumas become the most important part of our life. When emotional pain becomes more intentional than love. We lose that child-like beauty. The innocence and joy get sucked out of us. Yes, life can be very tough, it can feel as if the walls are closing in. Yet love is always on the other side.

In the words of RuPaul - “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love anyone else?”. If you have love for yourself in all of your raw beauty, then you can have love for another human for theirs. Your reactions to what others say to you (in the depths of their pain) can be turned into compassion. When we stop making assumptions (the ego) that others are talking about us when they make a comment or what have you, then we can learn that everyone on this planet has baggage. With that baggage comes projections and if you are not aware of this, you might be in a crossfire. If we project our emotional pain onto someone we create a reaction. With every action there is a reaction, said some scientist I am sure…

Person 1 could be a very self-aware sensitive person who knows this. Person 2 could be a very unaware sensitive person and not know this. If Person 2 projects emotional pain onto Person 1. Person 1 could offer compassion yet also get hit in the crossfire if it is something they too are working through. Yet Person 1 is able to identify that this is not their emotional pain. If Person 1 projects to Person 2. Person 2 could think that Person 1 is the worst ever and there is another crossfire. This could lead to the relationship ending or being put on hold.

You don’t believe me? Try it and see! Or even begin to observe your own relationships a bit more. Someone who is in pain is usually connected with a shadow self. If one does not know how to nurture this shadow self it can get to be too much. Of course, context is always part of the grand picture. We all deal with our pain in our own ways. As long as we can offer love and compassion for others. As long as we can lead with love there is no reason why we can’t feel fulfilled.

Thank you for reading!


Book Review - Spirit Hacking by Shaman Durek.


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